Recent content by eixon231

  1. eixon231

    Suggest Put Blessing 34 35 36 37(Event) in Faction Mission

    i agree on this since we have limited source of it.. hope this will consider by dev team.. 🤗
  2. eixon231

    [NOTICE] Changelog / Patch Notes 30.03.2021

    hi snow, also scav personal skill should get buff even without hitting the mobs..
  3. eixon231

    [PENDING] Chungha nerf adjustment

    unchain her totally would be better.. atleast she can do same as scav now..
  4. eixon231

    [WIP] Complete list of characters and their ultimate stances

    thanks very informative.. 🤗
  5. eixon231

    [Giveaway] 1.000 Andromida Tokens | This giveaway will close: Jan 3, 2021 at 8:00 PM PST

    FAMILY:eCkss Discord: eixon231 new year's resolution: im gonna quit smoking and hoping that covid19 will end soon so we can back to normal life and play GE andromida peacefully! 😍 happy new year to all guys 🤗