Search results

  1. T

    Brazillian players

    Salve mano!!
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    [GIVEAWAY] Ivy Card

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    Game closing in Kielce

    Hello, cant go to trainingcamp (exit of kielce). All time, when you start to up the patch to go exit,the game close.... Cant procede whit quest... if this not solved...
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    Brazillian players

    haha ai esta! Will, o lol555 me falou de você hehe cheguei a te manda uma msg in game por e-mail pq vc tava off!
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    Starting today, need some tips about teams

    Yo Hello again! I finish bahama quest line, and get Asoke like you said. Now i am using: Expert Musk Male whit dual crescent + 6 Expert Bernelli whit shotgun Crescent +6 Veteran Asoka whit his setup (30 days). I procede whit this team to finish Kielce? Or you suggest change someone to...
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    Starting today, need some tips about teams

    My friend, thank you so much for information!! Tank you so much!!! GG!
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    Starting today, need some tips about teams

    Hello guys! I am begin my jorney now. And request some tips from veteran players! As a free to player, i need do good investments in teams. So,what teams i can do ? 1stTeam: for gameplay, do main quests and etc.. What i can choose? Then, whit this first team, who i want to search and...
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    Brazillian players

    Hello guys! Probably not, but have BRs players in server?