Search results

  1. mrmuzaffar

    Suggestion for Quiritatio Event

    I want to suggest an event, The Quiritatio event. What kind of event? Its long and fun. 1. Drop Quiri essence and Some Growth Stone every boss. 2. Family entry 12 or 24 person. 3. Good nice reward from Roulette. 4. Boss harder to kill. So who wants to add more ideas can suggest as well...
  2. mrmuzaffar

    Suggest 1 Vis Event After Maintenence.

    I suggest 1 Vis Event for 1 week or 2 week. 1 week is fine too i don't mind as long it 1 vis Event Roulette, and I'm Sure all people need it too. Hopefully Developer Approve my suggest <3. Thanks and peace no wars :love:
  3. mrmuzaffar

    Suggest Put Blessing 34 35 36 37(Event) in Faction Mission

    Put Enhance Blessing weapon 34 35 36 37(Event) in Faction mission shop. The reason i suggest this Because all people need blessing too and some people struggling when enhance weapon not enough blessing and that is mostly blessing 37. I Hopefully Developer Agree and Approve my Suggestion. Is good...