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  1. S

    Meta current One minor change to the list I would make is that Vanessa is better than Pirate Adelina when it comes to Ignis stance.
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    [DECLINED]Hildegard: [Restraint] Buff

    I think this is a neat idea. It still has almost the same restriction in PVP, where using skills are more important than autoattacking, but makes her a lot more viable in PVE.
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    [Community Vote] Clique Battle(Alliance Wars) Time

    I know I am being selfish about this, but 14:00 server time is 7:00am for those who live on west coast of the United States and Canada, so you might want to reconsider especially when you mentioned you've thought about the players from America.
  4. S

    [Community Vote] Tierra de la Sed Time

    I also agree wtih the posters above who want 2 time per day. FYI, all three time included in the poll are pretty unfriendly to north American players who work from 9am to 5pm (local time).