[Angelica Error] Crash GE


Mar 29, 2023
I've been using Angelica for my AFK and dailies. But each time around 20~40 minutes, she crashes. I've also asked some of my colleagues that they're having the same issue. I keep telling them that my GE is crashing and the first thing that they said is "Are you using Angelica?" which assures the issue that some players might be having crash errors in GE. I hope this be fixed since Angelica's a good character for dailies. Thank you for those who would acknowledge this issue.


Apr 13, 2023
I have an issue with her as well. When she auto attacks my frame rate goes to the dumpster. Don't know if that could be related to her crashing people or not? I hope your issue does get fixed, cause she is pretty awesome. I'm scared to touch her cause of the frame rate drop during auto attacks