Barrack Slot Extension with Conditions


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2021
  • Description
Can we have Barrack slots extension added only if the family have at least 180 unique characters and family level over 70?
With the following things to stop exploits:
  1. If the unique characters go under 180, the characters slotted in slots over 216 can't be used and the family level will decrease level. By decreasing I mean the points will be reset as when the user leaves a faction and family max level reached dropped (not like the current mechanics when you sell a character and if family level drops 1 it still holds the max)
    • this will stop people from having 180 unique characters, fill all extension slots with stock characters to boost family level and then sell the unique characters
  2. Family level need to be over 70
    • this will stop people from getting unique characters and not raising their level (I know this would be unlikely since everybody want a higher family level as possible, but is good to mention)
Different thresholds can be added later as more unique characters are added (on are 231 unique characters).

This will make people interested in collecting unique characters and maybe using a more diverse characters.
  • Why is the idea good, which current problem does it fix, which mechanic does it improve?
Some avid collectors, like myself, would want all characters and the barrack slots can't contain all unique characters.
  • How urgent is this, rate 1-5 (1 = low, 5 = high)
3 - since the game have been running for some time and unique characters can be collected a lot faster than on official server.
  • Will it affect the game economy?
It will improve it and people will be more focused on buying unique characters.
  • Will it affect a core feature of the game?
Barracks will still need to be extended, at least make in such a way that users that want to grow then need some conditions.
  • If we approve it, what will happen?
Family level, diversity in character use.
  • If we decline it, what will happen?
Barracks will need to be extended, so the decline will be only on the conditions and people will just build the family on stock characters without being interested in one important core part of the game UNIQUE CHARACTERS.
  • Like
Reactions: newzona and shenzen


Active member
Sep 8, 2020
if im not mistaken having a duplicate decreases the Family EXP gained and with each duplicate fruther till a certain maximum. sooo your goal should be to collect different characters to raise your fam lvl easier with less chars.