[DECLINED]Quality of Life: Bulk Barrack Upgrade


Staff member
Mar 28, 2020
  • Exact same function in RGE, allows you to upgrade your barracks in bulk. From Barracks 5 to max you can use Barrack Permits to unlock more slots.

  • This fixes the problem of having to increase it one by one if you have alot of barrack permits. It could take a hour or two to max from 1 Character slot to Max Character slots

  • I rate this as 3.

  • If we approve it, what will happen? Everyone will be happy at this QoL Change
  • If we decline it, what will happen? My hands will suffer
  • Like
Reactions: cedfran1029


Well-known member
Staff member
Mar 25, 2020
I am rejecting this suggestion even though the function would be very nice. The script behind it is one pure nightmare.

I don't want to invest about 2 (2x8 hours) into changing it.
On top a change might cause an exploit that could enable a person to upgrade barracks without the consumption of barrack slots.