[DECLINED]Stances Balancing


New member
May 19, 2020
Based on the balances carried out by the SEA / NA / KR servers, here are suggestions to make the difference between new and old characters more balanced

**Stats from Accessories, Medals and Artifacts, other than the original stats of the character, will be stated as ‘extra [Stats]’.

[All Shooting type]
Ignore DEF %- Ignore DEF %= blocking,
ignore 1 evasion value
- Deleted

[Batu's Protection]
[Effect]-- Duration: 30 sec
- Shoot Damage -10%
- ‘Ignore enemy DEF by % -50%
- Critical damage -20%
- Applied when wearing [Heavy Armor]
[Stance Applied]-- [Secret of Moonlight]
- [Crusader]
- [Peltast]
- [Equites]
- [Soulbringer]
- [Bloody Feast]
- [Filo]
- [Retribution]
[Application Method]-- Applied when attack skill is hit accurately

[Storytelling] - Kano
<Wall of Curan>- Skill damage -20%- D.R. +1
- Reduce damage received (proportional to skill level)
- increase in DEF (proportional to skill level)
- increase in Max. HP(proportional to skill level)
- Damage received by [Melee] range skill attacks -20%

[Imperial Tactics] - Amy/Cadet Amy
<Operation S>- Reduce damage received (skill level/2)
- Increase in all stats
- Reduce damage received (proportional to skill level)
- Increase in all stats
- Damage received by [Shooting] range skill attacks -20%

[Hermetisme] - Veronif
<Chemical Protection>- Reduce damage received (proportional to skill level)
- Increase in all stats
- Increase in Immunity (proportional to skill level)
- Reduce damage received (proportional to skill level)
- Increase in all stats
- Increase in Immunity (proportional to skill level)
- Damage received by [Magic] range skill attacks -20%

[Innocentio] - Valeria
<Restore>- Restore HP throughout duration- Restore HP throughout duration
- Damage received by [Magic] range skill attacks -50%
<Satisfy>- Restore HP throughout duration- Restore HP throughout duration
- Damage received by [Magic] range skill attacks -30%

[Hanging Guard], [Tested Guard] - Claire
Basic stats of stance- 35 Penetration(lv 25 standard)
- 12 Immunity(lv 25 standard)
- 35 Penetration(lv 25 standard)extra
- 20 Immunity(lv 25 standard)
[Broken Armor]- [PC] DEF -10 per level, Additional damage given proportionally to the Max. HP when skill proportional to the buff level is accurately hit
- [Monster] DEF -2 per level, skill ATK proportional to level +30%
- [PC] DEF -25 per level, Additional damage given proportionally to (extra [STR] * 4%) when skill proportional to the buff level is accurately hit
- [Monster] DEF -2 per level, Additional damage given proportionally to (extra [STR] * 5%) when skill proportional to the buff level is accurately hit
<Slaughter>- Ignore 50 enemy defense
- Ignore DEF of [Shield]
- Damage x2 to enemies holding [Shield]
- Ignore 75 enemy defense
- Ignore DEF of [Shield][Arm Shield] [Rosario]
- Damage x2 to enemies holding [Shield][Arm Shield] [Rosario]
<Volition>- Ignore 60 enemy defense
- Ignore DEF of [Shield]
- Damage x2 to enemies holding [Shield]
- Ignore 75 enemy defense
- Ignore DEF of [Shield][Arm Shield] [Rosario]
- Damage x2 to enemies holding [Shield][Arm Shield] [Rosario]
<Ruthless>- Duration : 20 sec
- Ignore 75 enemy defense
- Ignore DEF of [Shield]
- Damage x2 to enemies holding [Shield]
- Duration : 17 sec
- Ignore 100 enemy defense
- Ignore DEF of [Shield][Arm Shield] [Rosario]
- Damage x2 to enemies holding [Shield][Arm Shield] [Rosario]
[Tronada Cruz] - Claude, Soldier of Reboldoeux, Battle Smith Idge, Fighter, Alejandro, Idge, Coimbra Trooper
[Skill Effect
- Skill ATK increase proportionally to the Max. HP]
- Increase in skill ATK proportionally to the Max. HP (Max. HP applied: 100,000)- Increase in skill ATK proportionally to the Max. HP (Max. HP applied: 200,000)
<Tornado Choque>- Ignore 50 enemy defense
- Skill ATK 1,401%(lv 12 standard)
- Ignore 10 ~30 DEF by 40% chance (100% inder [Destruido])
- Ignore 50 enemy defense
- Skill ATK 2,101%(lv 12 standard)
- Ignore (extra [STR] * 1.25) DEF under [Destruido]
<Tronada>- Ignore 65 enemy defense
- Skill ATK 2,829%(lv 12 standard)
- Ignore additional 10 ~30 DEF by 40% chance (100% under [Destruido])
- Ignore 75 enemy defense
- Skill ATK 3,960%(lv 12 standard)
- Ignore additional (extra [STR] * 1.25) DEF under [Destruido]
<Levantar>- Ignore 50 enemy defense
- Skill ATK 2,061%(lv 12 standard)
- Ignore additional 10 ~30 DEF by 40% chance (100% under [Destruido])
- Ignore 75 enemy defense
- Skill ATK 3,298%(lv 12 standard)
- Ignore additional (extra [STR] * 1.25) DEF under [Destruido]

[Rapido Cruise] - Battlefield Claude
[All Skills]- Ignore additional DEF proportional to the Max. HP under Destruido- Ignore additional (extra [STR] * 1.25) DEF under [Destruido]
<Flying Wyvern>- Ignore 45 enemy defense
- Skill ATK 2,292%(lv 12 standard)
- [Soft armor] 100% [Light Armor] 100% [Heavy Armor] 130%
- Ignore 60 enemy defense
- Skill ATK 3,092%(lv 12 standard)
- [Soft armor] 100% [Light Armor] 125% [Heavy Armor] 160%
<Roar of Dragon>- Ignore 70 enemy defense
- Skill ATK 3,894%(lv 12 standard)
- [Soft armor] 100% [Light Armor] 100% [Heavy Armor] 140%
- Ignore 75 enemy defense
- Skill ATK 4,895%(lv 12 standard)
- [Soft armor] 100% [Light Armor] 125% [Heavy Armor] 175%
<Final Advent>- Ignore 50 enemy defense
- Skill ATK 3,402%(lv 12 standard)
- [Soft armor] 100% [Light Armor] 100% [Heavy Armor] 150%
- Ignore 65 enemy defense
- Skill ATK 4,763%(lv 12 standard)
- [Soft armor] 100% [Light Armor] 125% [Heavy Armor] 180%

[Quasar] - Judith/Empyrium Judith
[Confession]- [Empyrium Judith] : Damage received by the same armor-type -30%
- [Judith] : Damage given to the same armor-type +50%
- [ Empyrium Judith] : Damage received by the same armor-type -50%
- [Judith] : Damage given to the same armor-type +150%

[Violeta Perro] - Nena
[Scent]- AoE skill DMG -30%
- ATK +200 ~ 300% (proportional to level of buff)
- Ignore 20 ~ 65 DEF (proportional to level of buff)
- AoE skill DMG -30%
- ATK +200 ~ 300% +
extra [STR] * 8%
- Ignore 20 ~ 65 DEF (proportional to level of buff)
- Immunity +5 per level
<Delphinium>- Ignore 30 enemy defense- Ignore 50 enemy defense
<Rosemary>- Ignore 60 enemy defense- Ignore 75 enemy defense
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Well-known member
Staff member
Mar 25, 2020
Suggestion has been declined like similar suggestions before.
We are two people and what you are suggesting is about 40 hours of work.

Version 32 will bring improvements to many characters that feel bad/underwhelming, including those changes above.
There is no sense into making custom improvements, instead we will get those improvements as part of version upgrade.

Until then players must bear with the current meta.