Game crashed upon startup


New member
Apr 16, 2020
Hi, new player here. I've tried to start the game but the game would crash everytime. Is there any solution?


Well-known member
Staff member
Mar 25, 2020
We will need following information:
1. Operation system
2. Is this a virtual machine?
3. Have you tried different settings from "...\game\relase\geConfig.exe"?
Examples: Full window mode, screen resolution, etc.
4. Which download did you use?
5. Are you starting the game from "...\game\Granado Espada.exe"?

Also please post following files here: "...\game\release\user.xml" and "...\game\release\client.xml".


New member
Apr 16, 2020
1. Windows 7
Intel Core i5-2540M
Intel HD Graphics
2. No
3. Yes
4. Google Drive
5. Yes
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<Login RecentServer="Andromida" Id="username" SaveId="1"/>

<Config ShowMarketAveragePrice="1" InfoToolTip="1" InverseCameraZoom="1" InverseCameraVert="0" InverseCameraHor="0" ManualSkillTarget="0" UseNotOtherCommDamage="0" ShowItemSerialNumber="1" UseSkillRangePosCorrection="1" UseViewBullet="1" UseQuestMonMark="1" UsePingTest="1" ShowChatTimestamp="1" UiCommandMouseover="1" AutoQuestAlarm="0" HideItemWeaponCos="0" HideItemBodyCos="0" HideItemBackCos="0" ItemCompareType="1" ClickTime="0.20" RepeatMusic="0" PlayRandomMusic="0" UseMyMusicList="0" Targetoption="0" Targetinfo="0" HideBattleCommand="0" UseShockwave="0" MinMissionObjectiveCheck="0" MinQuestCheck="1" ShowSquadDetail="1" ESCQuit="1" ShowAchieve="1" ShowOnlyOneMCC="0" ShowPartyName="1" ShowPCName="1" ItemShortcutVertical="1" ItemShortcutSize="11" ItemShortcutY="40" ItemShortcutX="0" HideItemShortcutUI="0" ShowItemCaption="1" BallonColor="0" SingleSelectMode="0" ShowBalloon="1" EnableExtendedItemShortcut="0" IdelLevel="0" HidePartyZoneInfo="0" HideZoneMoveToOthers="0" AutoRejectRecallFriend="0" EnableNavigation="1" DisableBGM="0" DisableVoiceEffect="0" DisableSoundEffect="0" DrawMonsterPersent="99.000000" DrawActorPersent="99.000000" ShowGameInfo="1" SelectFontType="0" ShowShoutType="2" ResizeLevelOfTextures="0" DevGamma="3" UserGamma="30" CharCacheType="0" UseEffectHigh="1" UseCharHigh="1" UseCharLod="1" MinimapScale="1.00" MouseSensitivity="0.60" SaveStanceOnUserSquadSelect="1" CommChatType="2" ChatEditVisible="0" MinimapFixNorth="1" ShowAllPcMark="0" ShowMyPcGauge="0" ShowName="0" CaptureFormat="1" EffectLevel="0" UseHitSound="1" UseEnvSound="1" UseEnvEffect="1" UseFastLoading="1" RndCharToRefWater="1" UseCharEdge="0" UseWater="1" UseGlow="0"/>

<Resolution BitPerPixel="32" height="768" width="1366"/>

<Sound VoiceVolume="127.500000" MusicVolume="127.500000" SoundVolume="127.500000"/>

<Hotkey Hotkeyfilename="Default"/>

<UserSkin UseUserSkin="0"/>

-<UIPosition UserUIPosition="1">

<Frame moveable="0" y="295" x="759" index="-1" name="questcheck"/>


<CharBaseInfoState char2="big" char1="big" char0="big"/>

<ConfigEx badwordfilter="0" WpLastUsed="0" InventorySortMode="0" EnableSkillRangeView="1" BugTrapTactics="0"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<Locale ServiceNation="DEU"/>

<Camera Fov="45" Lati="45" Long="1"/>

<Sound SoundVolume="100" VoiceVolume="100" MusicVolume="100" Pitch="1.0" DistFactor="1000" MaxChannel="16" MixRate="22050" MaxDistance="2000" MinDistance="2000" IgnoreTick="0.03"/>

<GameOption GemoconServerPort="4505" GemoconServerIP="" XTrap="None" QuestBannerURL="" HomePageURL="" AccountInfoURL="" CashPageURL="" PasswordChangeURL="" PaymentURL="" NewAccountURL="" ServerListURL=""/>

<URLList URL2Name="CommanderEmblem" URL2="" URL1Name="PartyEmblem" URL1=""/>

<Debug MailFreq="0"/>

<HotKey Version="1"/>



Well-known member
Staff member
Mar 25, 2020
I have attached a clean user.xml and client.xml, please overwrite these at the folder "...\game\release".
Furthermore the reason your game client crashes could be that you use an inbuilt GPU (Intel HD Graphics).
I assume you are using a notebook. Please have a look if your notebook has a graphic card and how you can force the notebook to use that card for games. There are several blogs and youtube videos about this available.



New member
Apr 16, 2020
Unfortunately, i use a laptop and it doesnt have a dedicated graphic card. Though i can still play the Steam GE and Renaissance GE just fine, so maybe this GE build is different.


Well-known member
Staff member
Mar 25, 2020
Unfortunately, i use a laptop and it doesnt have a dedicated graphic card. Though i can still play the Steam GE and Renaissance GE just fine, so maybe this GE build is different.
All game clients are basically the same. Did replacing user.xml and client.xml help?
I kindly ask you to join Discord and pm me so we can further troubleshoot this problem.