

New member
Feb 9, 2024
  1. Q: How much does Quest Skip Cost?
    A: $100

  2. Q: What quests are skipped?
    A: Every quest in the game except for Custom Event Quests and some Custom Information quests

  3. Q: Will I get rewards for Quest Skipping?
    A: You will get some quest rewards such as cards and various items.

  4. Q: Will I get rewards for Achievement?
    A: Yes. Refer to Question 3.

  5. Q: Will I be able to return to my normal quests after?
    A: No, you cannot return to your previous quests, all of the quests were overwritten to become complete.

  6. Q: Some quests or npcs won't talk to me anymore
    A: This might be a bug, report it on the discord and the Developers can assist you.

  7. Q: Will there be discounts for Quest Skips in the future?
    A: Maybe

  8. Q: Will new quests be added to the skip?
    A: Yes, we'll let you know when we do add them.