Account registration
1. How do I register a game account?
Your forum account is your game account as well. Simply log-in to the game by using your forum username and password.
Important: Your account password must be less than 16 characters. Don't forget to use the 2FA (Two-Factor-authentication) provided by the game!
2. How many forum(game) accounts am I allowed to register?
Players may create up to 2 (two) accounts at maximum. More information can be found on the community rules, look at the paragraph about multiclienting.
3. Can I migrate(move) a game account from another server here?
No, such a feature isn't currently available and won't most likely be in the future.
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
1. Does the game fully work?
Everything works. Colony Wars, Clique Battle, World PVP, Quests, Missions, characters, etc.
2. Who are the server staff members?
The staff members are called "Zax" and "Arcis". We are the only two members and Game Masters.
We use these names on website and Discord. Everybody else is either a Community Manager (see question 5) or a player.
Family names in-game:
Zax = Admin or system
Arcis = Arcis (Developer)
Deszolate = Coalescence (Developer)
3. Help! My password doesn't work?
Please make sure your password is 16 characters or less. The game client doesn't allow passwords with more than 16 characters.
If your password is incorrect, use the password reset function on the website or contact "Zax" on Discord.
4. How do you prevent corruption? Is the server staff allowed to play?
Everything done by the server staff is being protocolled. Server staff isn't allowed to play and doesn't have interested in playing as well.
Important stuff will be done under four-every principle (two-man-rule), more information can be found here.
5. Are community managers part of the staff? Do they have GM (game-master) accounts?
Community managers act as a bridge between server staff and community, so they aren't part of the server staff.
This also means they don't have game-master accounts and act as normal players.
6. How many servers are available?
One server called 'Andromida', there is no test server available for the community.
7. (How) can I obtain premium items?
Yes, premium items will be available. More information can be found on this forum thread and on this Discord channel.
8. Is this server pay2win? What counter-measures will be taken against this problem?
Don't worry, this cash shop won't be like official servers, we will make sure the game is fair for everybody.
This means that every item and feature that is required to fully enjoy the game and to reach endgame content is available without real money.
9. Majority of PVE content (missions, raids) is unrewarding. What will you do against this problem?
Improved roulette and item rewards combined with less RNG. We value your time, a MMORPG must feel rewarding.
10. Can I play an official server and this server at the same time?
Yes both game clients can be run at the same time, more information can be found here.
11. How do I download and install the game?
Please read this thread on our forum.
1. How do I register a game account?
Your forum account is your game account as well. Simply log-in to the game by using your forum username and password.
Important: Your account password must be less than 16 characters. Don't forget to use the 2FA (Two-Factor-authentication) provided by the game!
2. How many forum(game) accounts am I allowed to register?
Players may create up to 2 (two) accounts at maximum. More information can be found on the community rules, look at the paragraph about multiclienting.
3. Can I migrate(move) a game account from another server here?
No, such a feature isn't currently available and won't most likely be in the future.
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
1. Does the game fully work?
Everything works. Colony Wars, Clique Battle, World PVP, Quests, Missions, characters, etc.
2. Who are the server staff members?
The staff members are called "Zax" and "Arcis". We are the only two members and Game Masters.
We use these names on website and Discord. Everybody else is either a Community Manager (see question 5) or a player.
Family names in-game:
Zax = Admin or system
Arcis = Arcis (Developer)
Deszolate = Coalescence (Developer)
3. Help! My password doesn't work?
Please make sure your password is 16 characters or less. The game client doesn't allow passwords with more than 16 characters.
If your password is incorrect, use the password reset function on the website or contact "Zax" on Discord.
4. How do you prevent corruption? Is the server staff allowed to play?
Everything done by the server staff is being protocolled. Server staff isn't allowed to play and doesn't have interested in playing as well.
Important stuff will be done under four-every principle (two-man-rule), more information can be found here.
5. Are community managers part of the staff? Do they have GM (game-master) accounts?
Community managers act as a bridge between server staff and community, so they aren't part of the server staff.
This also means they don't have game-master accounts and act as normal players.
6. How many servers are available?
One server called 'Andromida', there is no test server available for the community.
7. (How) can I obtain premium items?
Yes, premium items will be available. More information can be found on this forum thread and on this Discord channel.
8. Is this server pay2win? What counter-measures will be taken against this problem?
Don't worry, this cash shop won't be like official servers, we will make sure the game is fair for everybody.
This means that every item and feature that is required to fully enjoy the game and to reach endgame content is available without real money.
9. Majority of PVE content (missions, raids) is unrewarding. What will you do against this problem?
Improved roulette and item rewards combined with less RNG. We value your time, a MMORPG must feel rewarding.
10. Can I play an official server and this server at the same time?
Yes both game clients can be run at the same time, more information can be found here.
11. How do I download and install the game?
Please read this thread on our forum.
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