Registration are opened for SEA players and Eastern Asia users. Please remember to use valid phone number and email.
How to Register an Account
Please visit and click sign up button
To register an account you must have a valid Email Address and Mobile Number.
- (1) Username.
- (2) Password.
- (3) Email.
- (4) Enter the validation code that you received on your email address.
- (5) Mobile Number Must start with + and country code (Example China code is +86 after that you enter your number[+86xxxxxxxxx] )
- (6) Enter the validation code that you received as SMS on your Mobile number.
- (7) Choose Server : SEA
PAY ATTENTION: You can't use your mobile number or email address again if you registered account in GLOBAL
Never lose your email address or mobile number it's the only way to restore your password if you forgot it.
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