Maintenance will take place on 28.11.2023 at [GLOBAL] 13:00 GMT+1. [SEA] 14:00 GMT+1. [CHINA] 14:00 GM+1.
The duration of the maintenance will be between 30 - 60 minutes or more depending on if issues arise
The duration of the maintenance will be between 30 - 60 minutes or more depending on if issues arise
- Ivy Event will be ending next maintenance!
- Crafting Materials (50% off!)
- 5 Elemental Weapon - Sabre
- World Boss Accessory (Generation 2)
- Added 33 'World Boss Accessories'
- These exotic items, once believed to be mythical, have now surfaced due to recent mysterious events. They raise questions about their origin: are they created by someone's will?
- World Bosses drop 5~7 'World Boss Tokens', exchangeable for 'Recipe - World Boss Essence'.
- i.e Generation 2 Gerero Glove is 'Recipe - Gerero Glove Essence'
- Example: Generation 1 Gerero Glove can be exchanged for 'Recipe - Gerero Glove Essence'.
- Each recipe requires a specific accessory (e.g., 'Gerero Glove Essence' needs 'Gerero's Power Glove').
- Crafting the essence allows players to select a prefix for the accessory. The accessory is obtained in a +10 enhanced box.
- Players can exchange for different prefixes as long as it's the same accessory.
- This feature allows players to easily switch between prefixes for a specific crafted accessory (Craft once, access all 3 prefixes!).
- Example: Generation 1 Gerero Glove can be exchanged for 'Recipe - Gerero Glove Essence'.
- Prefixes
- Each prefix comes with its own set bonus when wearing 5 accessories.
- [Lucid] - Defensive Type
- [1] DEF +2
- [2] DEF +2, IMM +2
- [3] DEF +2, IMM +2
- [4] DEF +2, IMM +2, All RES +5
- [5] DEF +2, IMM +2, All RES +5, Applies buff [Lucid]
- [Lucid] D.R. +1, DEF +5, IMM +5, All DMG -10%, All Skills +1
- [Dreaming] - Offensive Type
- [1] ATK +2%
- [2] ATK +2%, PEN +2
- [3] ATK +2%, PEN +2
- [4] ATK +2%, PEN +2
- [5] ATK +2%, PEN +2, All Stats +3, Applies buff [Dreaming]
- [Dreaming] A.R. +1, ATK +5%, PEN +5, PVP DMG +20%, All DMG from all sources +50%, All Skills +1
- [Reverie] - Balanced Type (PVE)
- [1] ATK +2%
- [2] ATK +2%, Monster ATK +5%
- [3] ATK +2%, Monster ATK +10%
- [4] ATK +2%, Monster ATK +15%
- [5] ATK +2%, Monster ATK +15%, Applies buff [Reverie]
- [Reverie] A.R. +1, D.R. +1, All Stats +5, PVP DMG +5%, Monster DMG +10%, All DMG from PVP +5%
- [Lucid] - Defensive Type
- Each prefix comes with its own set bonus when wearing 5 accessories.
- All Accessories
- Gerero's Glove
- Ogjeff's Glove
- Divino's Boots
- Quinnitula's Boots
- Ruincruger's Belt
- Iskra's Belt
- Violante's Belt
- Navas' Earring
- Belith's Earring
- Evil's Brooch
- Sheol's Necklace
- Required Crafting Materials
- The following materials below can be obtained through raids. List of raids will be released later once I fully plan it out. Temporarily you can purchase materials with 1 Elemental Jewel each.
- Lucid Essence x 2500
- Dreaming Essence x 2500
- Reverie Essence x 2500
- ?
- ?
- ?
- The following materials below can be obtained through raids. List of raids will be released later once I fully plan it out. Temporarily you can purchase materials with 1 Elemental Jewel each.
- Faction Changes
- Neutral Factions can go above Level 50
- Neutral Factions can no longer damage World Boss monsters (factionless as well)
- It'll also instantly kill you.
- TDLS Changes
- Changed reward of item for winners to 'Tierra de la Sed Lv. 3'
- A.R. +1, D.R. +1, Max HP +10%, Monster Damage +15%, Combat EXP +50%, Stance EXP +30%, Item drop rate +10%, All Stats +2, All damage received -3%, Player vs Player Damage +10%
- Changed reward of item for losing/having no faction to 'Tierra de la Sed Lv. 2'
- A.R. +1, D.R. +1, Max HP +10%, Monster Damage +15%, Combat EXP +50%, Stance EXP +30%, Item drop rate +10%, All Stats +2, All damage received -3%
- Changed reward of item for winners to 'Tierra de la Sed Lv. 3'
- Quest Changes
- No longer need to be in a faction or have faction affiliation to do certain quests (report a bug if you still can't do a certain quest i.e Valeria Recruitment)
- Clique War Changes
- Allowed Neutral faction players to gain rewards from participating
- Lowered participating points required to gain rewards (previously: 10.000)
- Quality of Life Changes
- Rework Bible Entry NPC (Custom one)
- NPC will now spawn upon opening chest in any mission (except First of Darkness)
- Rework Bible Entry NPC (Custom one)
- Miscellaneous Changes
- Added 'All Skills +1' upon equpping 5 pieces of Laima/Giltine Set
- Removal of the periodic boss summon script @Distorted Zeia
- Aclla added to Reboldouex
- Sweet Toothed bear moved locations
- Treasure Room (Arcis's Treasure Book) will be disabled for now
- Fixed Issues
- Fritz did not ignore BLK in PVP
- Armshield was broken
- Incorrect bullet for Helios
- Charge Skills deal lower damage when fully charged
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