jack and cath summoners are the best chars in granado espada and no1 use they, cant afk with they. Make they OP!!!Make Jack great again puhlease
Yes, the intention of `RE: PvE` is to increase character diversity. A meta will always exist but, if `RE: PvE` is implemented correctly, a more diverse pool of characters would be seen in raids other than the current meta (Sage Sharon, Scavenger Y, Codename C).Right now, I think there's kind of a template for progression for a fresh F2P account.
For example, for a fresh F2P account, you get about 3 Vet Char Summon Stones by the time you finish Bahama Ep 1 and Errac questlines.
Most people on Discord have suggested Asoka/Mifuyu as DPS, Friede and Rosa (if lazy to quest) as Support to carry you to your future questlines.
And as you finally finished Viron part 1, you get an Expert Char Stone, which a preferred choice would be Elizabeth or (Snowflake)Montoro for some. I've seen most, including myself picking Elizabeth, so you run a buffer team(Elizabeth/Friede/Rosa) for squad/faction raids while you progress.
Then as you finally finished Kielce and Bahama Ep 2, you get up to 2 Master Stones, which most would have picked Scav.Yeganeh to replace Asoka/Mifuyu or C.Daria for farming purposes, maybe some would pick Aclla/V.Nat/Lady or LM Rachel for alternative DPS.
I haven't actually gotten a HM Stone yet so I'm not sure who's being picked often.
While I think most (if not all) quest-recruitable NPCs should be tweaked for PvE, since people prefer Premium Characters anyway, I'd like to suggest tweaks to create a bigger pool of characters to choose from so there is more diversity, since playstyles differ for every player. I do not have any specific character in mind to suggest, but I think looking at the available characters from each Summon Stone and choosing a few to tweak might be a good start.
I also understand very well that players are free to choose any other characters within the Summon Stones but for a majority of players who may just want to get to mid/end-game content, it's likely that they would follow this 'template', not forgetting that many players have come over from official servers before, hence the 'rush' to end-game content.
Edit. Grammar and Punctuations.
Or at least make jobskill with 100% uptime longer time, like if the skill has 60sec duration and 30sec cooldown, make it like 300sec duration so i dont have to use the skill every 60 sec, it has 100% uptime anyway,Remove timer on their Job Skill
Add extra effect on their Exp Stance
Don't make too many changes at once
By doing that, it will break the games mechanics since some skills need to be monitored by the player to not make it overpowered. This is a balance. If the job gives many benefits, it need a roadblock.Or at least make jobskill with 100% uptime longer time, like if the skill has 60sec duration and 30sec cooldown, make it like 300sec duration so i dont have to use the skill every 60 sec, it has 100% uptime anyway,
ummm but chungha alrdy has 300sec duration on her jobskill,By doing that, it will break the games mechanics since some skills need to be monitored by the player to not make it overpowered. This is a balance. If the job gives many benefits, it need a roadblock.
Imagine ChungHa with her job skill with this modification. Movement speed always up, AGI up and additional AR all the time. Mifuyu, Asoka, Cruise they will always have their skill active for movement. It will just break the game.
If this would be implemented, then multiply the request of SP and resources to activate the skill by the increased proportion of time.
I agree feels like AE needs a little more pve love compared to ASi think Ancient Element is too weak if we compare with Ancient Spirit
AS is OP in PVE and PVP : 12s cd / Fast run / fly / High damage
But AE is lower dps than As and CD AE : 12/8/24/45s cd,
AS : Photo Strike damage = 400m cd 12s
AE : Void Elemental damage = 300m cd 45s
my suggestion is
Ancient Element
Flame Strike : no change
Ice Partisan : no change
Electric Strom : 38s to 24s
Void Element : 45s to 20s
I knew we don't want to make OP char but my suggest is not make warlock imba. they still weaker than Wz with AS. just make them better
//sorry for bad eng, im not good for this
Yesitem [Page - Ancient Stance Collection] can be obtains from Rank 7+ shop and newer Andromida Box which will be release later...
Andc + 50 ring crystal or 10 Glowstones for 1 Ancient Stance Collection.
Yesitem [Page - Ancient Stance Collection] can be obtains from Rank 7+ shop and newer Andromida Box which will be release later...
And [Page - Ancient Stance Collection] can be obtains from Kra shop with exchange any 1 of Ancieant Stance page + 50 ring crystal or 10 Glowstones for 1 Ancient Stance Collection.