1. General
- Version: 31.28.98 - 32.88.81
- All features from 31.28.98, features from higher versions are implemented gradually.
- Language: English / Russian / Chinese / Korean / Japanese / Thai
- Server time: GMT/UTC+0
- Server location: Europe
- Item "Andromida Token" available, tradeable token so F2P players have access to Cash Shop.
- Premium characters are available from the game, no Cash Shop usage required.
- Majority of recruitable characters are available from Feso Shop.
- Improved Auto Keep and increased Keep Range features available.
- Function "Delete Family" on Family Barracks is permanently disabled.
- Waiting period (grace period) after faction creation decreased from 10 to 3 days.
- Improved roulette rewards, 50% permantly reduced Vis for bonus roulette.
- Korean, Japanese and English Voice pack included into game client.
- Default Barrack Slots increased from 4 to 10.
- Free items on creation: Boosting-Package Expert (30 days), Combat Manual - Veteran (7 days)
Tactics Manual - Master (30 days), Field Manual - Average (30 days), 3x HP Potion 5000 (Event), 50x Pet Food, 5000 Vis
- Base EXP: 5x
- Stance EXP: 5x
- Drop: 2x (Doesn't affect roulette or boss drops)
- Drop of healing items (HP/SP) items has been disabled, except for premium maps.
- Majority of World Bosses drop 1-5x Growth Stone(s) depending on difficulty.
- Certain (DR above 75) World Bosses drop 3-7x Elemental Jewel(s) depending on difficulty.
- Improved rewards (obtained from Quest or Achievement)
- Cite de Reboldoeux Scenario: 1x Domingo's Pioneer Journal
- The Port of Coimbra Scenario: 1x Nunez' Pioneer Journal
- City of Auch Scenario: 3x Master Card (Event)
- Ustiur Scenario: 10x Barrack Slot License (Event)
- Bahama (Part 1) Scenario: 1x Veteran Character Card Summon Stone, 1x Upgraded Enhanced Tactics Ring
- Errac Scenario: 2x Veteran Character Card Summon Stone, 1x Queen Hamaan's Pioneer Journal
- Hidden Holy Water Chamber Scenario "Furuhollen Father and Son : Andre": 2000x Shiny Crystal
- Katovic Snowfield Scenario "Trace of Cruelty": 10x Reinforced Stance Book
- Chateau de Bourgogne Scenario "Report to Simon Ayende": 3x Custom Wing Coupon (7 days)
- Castilla Scenario
- Quest "[Castilla Episode 1] Medicine Supplying 3": 10x Reinforced Stance Book
- Quest "[Castilla Episode 2] Relic 2": 10x Weapon Costume Crystal
- Quest "[Castilla Episode 3] Tower of Chaos 4": 1x Expert Character Card Summon Stone, 30x Platinum Bars
- Viron (Part 1) Scenario: 1x Expert Character Card Summon Stone, 50x Socket Processing Tranquilizer (Event)
- Kielce Scenario: 1x Master Character Card Summon Stone, 1x Kess' Pioneer Journal
- Bahama (Part 2) Scenario: 1x Master Character Card Summon Stone, 100x Reinforced Enchant Sedative (Event)
- Armonia & Distorted Armonia Scenario
- "[Epilogue] Things left behind..And": 1x High Master Character Card Summon Stone, 25x Tears of Sara, 50x Growth Stone
3x Lyndon's Weapon Costume Summon Stone - "[Reanudacion] And something left behind..": 5x Elemental Jewel, 20x Karin's Vital Potion, 3x Weapon Costume Crystal,
2x Valeron's Powder Box, 1x Medal "Triumph Warrior in Distorted Armonia", 1x Artifact "Regeneration and Circulation"
- "[Epilogue] Things left behind..And": 1x High Master Character Card Summon Stone, 25x Tears of Sara, 50x Growth Stone
- Viron (Part 2) Scenario: 1x High Master Character Card Summon Stone, 100x Growth Stone
- Orden Scenario
- "[Resurrection of Orden] Plan of Storm": 4x Origin of Land/Fire/Wind/Water/Mind, 3x Elemental Jewel, 3x Principal Liquor
- "[Storm and Dragon] Prison": 3x Lyndon Box, 3x Elemental Jewel, 3x Triumph Liquor
- "[The Last of Jurgen] Land of Promise": 3x Enhanced Liquor of Steroid, 25x Red/Blue Armonium Ore, 50x Armonia Coin
- Burlon's Pledge Scenario "Pledge that carved in front of tomb": 50x Platinum Bars
- Future of Burlon Scenario "Everything is there": 50x Platinum Bars
- Illier Scenario "[Synodia] To Altria...": 2x Valeron Weapon Summon Stone (Event), 10x Growth Stone, 50x Shiny Solarion
- Altria Scenario "[El cielo y la tierra] Stars' Children": 3x Valeron Weapon Summon Stone (Event), 2x Medal Summon Stone, 3x Weapon Costume Summon Stone - Elemental, 2x High Master Character Card Summon Stone
- Quest "[Selva Sub] Selva, brought her power back.": 15x Karin's Vital Potion, 5x Elemental Jewel
- Amount of item "Pure Otite" received from repeatable quest has been increased from 1-5 to 3-7.
- Quest "Look for Losewalts (1)" - Increased daily progress points from 1-5 to 3-5.
- Reduced quest item amount for "[Advanced Base Prurio] New Frontier" from 200 to 100.
- Increased quest item droprate for "[Advanced Base Prurio] New Frontier" from 20% to 100%.
- Increased quest item droprate for "[El cielo y la tierra] Information Collection on Quiritatio - 1" from 10% to 50%.
- Increased quest item droprate for "[Synodia] Need to listen to the end." from 33% to 100%.
- Increased quest item droprate for "[Frozen Girl] Girl's new travel" from 10/20% to 100%.
- Increased quest item droprate for "[Princess of Revenge] Decision of Princess" from 20% to 100%.
- Repeatable quest "[Daily] Energy Core Creation"
- Replaced item "Platinum Bar" with "Pure Gold Bar" as crafting material.
- Increased amount of "Energy Core" as quest reward by 400%.
- Repeatable quests "[Daily] Castilla"
- Replaced "Enchantment Chip Lv.92/96/100/Veteran" with Sun/moon Stones
- Repeatable quest "Collect the piece of Rhodolite"
- Increased amount of item "Ancient Hero Token" from 3 to 5 as quest reward.
- Repeatable quests "[Daily] Supplies Delivery" and "[Daily] Defeat Abyss Army (1) or (2)"
- Increased amount of item "Black Armonium Ore" by 300%.
- Recruitment quest for Character "Rosa" simplified.
- Statistics when starting questline have been increased:
- New: STR 25 / AGI 30 / HP 30 / DEX 30 / INT 55 / SEN 40
- Statistics for finishing questline have been decreased:
- New: STR 35 / AGI 40 / HP 40 / DEX 35 / INT 65 / SEN 55
- Statistics when starting questline have been increased:
- Reduced quest items for Vincent's Stance Book.
- 25 instead of 100 Bone Stick, 7 instead of 20 Whisper of Devil
- Reduced quest items for Elisa's Stance Book.
- Before: 30 Great Wheat Flour, 20 Great Cabbage, 20 Great Golden Apple, 30 Great Chicken Breasts
- After: 15 Great Wheat Flour, 10 Great Cabbage, 10 Great Golden Apple, 30 Great Chicken Breasts
- Reduced quest items required for Cano's recruitment questline.
- Before: 2 Mysterious Steel Piece, 10 Whisper of Devil, 10 Pebbles, 3 Elemental Jewel
- After: 1 Mysterious Steel Piece, 5 Whisper of Devil, 10 Pebbles, 1 Elemental Jewel
- Quest "Bait Box at the Crow Forest" needs 10 instead of 45 completions for "Liung" recruitment quest.
- Improved rewards for Recruitment Quests
- Finishing recruitment quests will reward "Moon/Growth Stone(s)" and "Extra Rewards Coupon (Event)" additionally.
- All characters beginning with Reckless Emilia and newer.
- "Cannon Shooter Claire" has 85 DEX like "Cutie Claire".
- "Blood Navy Cano" has 90 INT like "Supreme Commander Cano".
- "Sakura" has 80 STR like "Princess Sakura".
- "Lady Rachel" has 90 DEX like "Lead Manager Rachel".
- Blue Flame Ludin" has 95 INT like "Student President Ludin".
- Mifuyu" has same costumes/stances/personal skill like Asoka.
- Total status points is same like Asoka, difference is higher STR (80) and lower AGI (70).
- Veronif and Vincent can use First Aid, Fortitudo and Enh. Tactics when wearing "Book" weapons.
- Scout, Soho, Soho the Wind can use Enh. Tactics when wearing "Dagger" weapons.
- Amy and Cadet Amy can use Tactical Assistance and Enh. Tactics when wearing "Magic Scroll" weapons.
- Arbitrator Berthe"can use First Aid when wearing Rod weapons.
- Amy and Cadet Amy can use First Aid when wearing Magic Scroll weapons.
- Viki can use Enh. Tactics when wearing "Pendant" weapons.
- Catherine (Summoner) can use Enh. Tactics when wearing "Controller" weapons.
- Valeria can use Tactical Assistance when wearing "Rosario" weapons.
- Elisa & Cadet Elisa, changed personal skills from "Mass Healing" to "Cure".
- Beatrice, changed stance "Tempest" - Increased base accuracy from 15 to 45.
- Character Update Project: https://granado-espada.to/index.php...g-patch-notes-v32-88-81-work-in-progress.285/
- RE: PvE: https://granado-espada.to/index.php?threads/notice-re-pve-season-introduction.974/
- Renewal RE: PvE: https://granado-espada.to/index.php?threads/notice-changelog-patch-notes-renewal.1162/#post-7126
- Character Stat / Family Attribute Rework: https://granado-espada.to/index.php?threads/notice-changelog-patch-notes-21-02-2023-for-all.1470/
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