Postcards/Story book in feso shop

Should the postcards be sold in feso shop?

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Mar 27, 2020
Hello everyone,
  • I would like to suggest the add of all the postcards/story book to the feso shop, with the exception of Spy Olivia and Coster Town ones as they are related to the Master Summon Stone achievement (Spy Olivia achievement recruitment).
  • It's not related to any problem/mechanic, at best it will help questers cut off some time (even though not much, as they are needed in a few quests only). Otherwise it is more related to those who read the lore. Most of them are made only for lore, and some people will have the pleasure of reading them.
  • Technically - 1
  • In no way. As stated above (except for Spy Olivia and Coster Town), all the other postcards/story books have no economical value altogether.
  • Except for speeding up 3 or 4 quests (Little Princess Vernier, Ornella postcards, Evil and Kevin) every other one of them are entirely for reading purpose only.
  • People will be able to read some lore about characters. Otherwise nothing else.
  • Nothing as well, it won't affect the gameplay/economics/mechanics in any way.
As a side note, I believe it shouldn't be hard to add them, the items exist, only need to be added to feso shop. Regarding the ones which are related to the above mentioned quests, their prices can be increased (for example ones with no relation to quest - 10k feso, ones related to quests - 100k feso).

Thank you and kind regards,
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