Use items from storage


New member
Jun 8, 2021
  • Description
Being able to use items for quests, shops, enchanting, etc, directly from storage.
  • Why is the idea good, which current problem does it fix, which mechanic does it improve?
Helpful for newer players like myself who are unsure what to keep in their inventory vs what to send to storage, being able to dump the entire of the Misc tab in to storage and then easily access it when doing any of the above activities would be very helpful.
This also helps with the limitations of 298 slots without increasing the slot count that has already been rejected as a suggestion.
  • How urgent is this, rate 1-5 (1 = low, 5 = high)
  • Will it affect the game economy?
Not that I can think off.
  • Will it affect a core feature of the game?
Not that I can think off.
  • If we approve it, what will happen?
Quality of life improvement.
  • If we decline it, what will happen?
No quality of life improvement.